Introducing Nimasha Perera, an UpLabs Premium Seller who is increasing her passive income without increasing her workload

UpLabs Success Stories
4 min readMar 19, 2020


Nimasha is a UI/UX Designer and Illustrator currently based in Sri Lanka who is making more passive revenue thanks to being a Premium Seller on UpLabs.

Nimasha has been part of the UpLabs community for the past four years, almost since the very beginning when it was MaterialUp. She joined UpLabs to get some design inspiration and ideas back when she was a full-time freelance UI/UX Designer. She quickly became a verified user on the site, gaining the ability to skip the curation process due to the high quality work that she shared. She has shared about 200 quality resources and inspirations on the site over the years and has made a few thousand dollars in passive revenue.

“UpLabs community has been a great source of inspiration for me during my projects and when I spend time gathering ideas for upcoming work, as well.”

Nimasha joined the UpLabs Premium Community shortly after its launch. Offering her work as Premium has increased her passive income substantially.

Nimasha’s Design Background 🎨

Nimasha has been interested in the arts from a very young age. At the age of 16, she was given the opportunity to join a free Graphic Design course, which only amplified her passion for the arts.

“I was already into arts while I was at school, but during the time that I did the graphic design course, I was able to expand my skills beyond my traditional paper and pencil art skills to computer graphics and gain basic knowledge of it.”

After she completed the Graphic Design course, she began freelancing via Fiverr, an online platform for freelance services. She also posted about her designs on all of her social media outlets like Twitter in order to grow her personal brand as a Graphic Designer.

Nimasha’s first employer found her on Fiverr and gave her the opportunity to become a Junior Graphic Designer. She worked in this role for about 2 years, during which time she learned UI/UX design on the go, as she got assigned to new projects.

“…within the 2 years [that I worked there], I was promoted from Junior Graphic Designer to lead UI/UX Designer and Project Manager positions.”

In 2014, she decided to leave her job and become a full-time freelance designer.

Nimasha’s Work Today 🖼

Today, Nimasha is now a Senior Product Designer working for Dreamten Inc. She is supplementing income from her job with passive income from e-commerce sites such as UpLabs. Becoming a Premium Seller has increased her passive income, thanks to increased exposure to and affordability of the resources that she shares.

“UpLabs has given my work a lot of exposure and helped me get to know other designers’ work, as well.”

Today, she is benefitting from being part of the community because all of her work is now premium and is downloaded much more than it was before, leading to more passive revenue.

💸 More Passive Income, More Freedom

Nimasha says that her increased passive income has allowed her to cut back hours at her current job and has also given her more freedom to work more on some personal projects. UpLabs Premium has helped her make about $2000 to this day.

“I sell my products on UpLabs, and other sites, and the income I get has been a huge advantage.”

One of the biggest advantages in Nimasha’s opinion is being able to prioritize work that she really loves over other work opportunities. In other words, she has more freedom to pick and choose her projects. She also has been able to enjoy more freedom to focus on her other passions and hobbies, such as reading, playing video games, photography, and cosplay.

Nimasha’s Top Tips for Sellers 😍

  • Share items on social media for added exposure. Such as tweet them and pin them to boards on Pinterest.
  • Create case study style presentations and publish them on portfolio sites and link the store to the published shot / project.
  • Always respond quickly to all customer / potential customer messages and requests.
  • Create your work in several popular formats/softwares so it expands the potential range of buyers. For instance, if it’s a UI Kit, then create it in Sketch, Figma, Photoshop etc.

Check out Nimasha’s Workspace to get inspired 👀

